Selasa, 21 Februari 2012



Simple Past tense digunakan untuk fakta-fakta atau peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi dimasa lampau yang telah selesai dilakukan.
keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan dalam Simple Past Tense,antara lain;

  • yesterday (kemarin),
  • ago (yang lalu), misalnya; a minute ago, two days ago, a week ago, three month ago,etc.
  • last (yang lalu), misalnya; last week, last year, last monday, last december,etc.
  • this + morning/noon/afternoon/evening.
walaupun ago dan last memiliki arti yang sama,perhatikan perbedaan letaknya. Ago diletakkan setelah noun yang diterangkannya (noun + ago), sedangkan last diletakkan sebelum naoun yang diterangkannya (last + noun).

Simple Past Tense dalam bentuk kalimat POSITIF;

Subject + Verb2 + Object + Modifier
  • I went to Kuta beach yesterday.
  • The Tsunami swept Banda Aceh and more than a hundred thousand people died.
  • I played tennis with some guys from work last week.
  • We stayed in Shanghai 2 years ago.
Simple Past Tense dalam bentuk NEGATIF;

Subject + (did) + not + Verb1 + Object + Modifier

Bentuk negatif dari kalimat Simple Past Tense dibuat dengan cara sebagai berikut;
  • Tambahkan kata bantu did setelah subject.
  • Tambahkan not setelah kata bantu not
  • Rubah Verb 2 menjadi Verb 1.
contohnya dari kalimat positif diatas dirubah dalam bentuk negatif;
  • I didn't go to Kuta Beach yesterday.
  • I did not play tennis with some guys from work last week.
  • we didn't stay in Shanghai 2 years ago.
perhatikan contoh kalimat diatas dengan seksama, kata kerja berubah lagi menjadi bentuk pertama (V1). Lalu kata kerja bentuk past-nya kemana? pindak ke DID nya itu....^___^

Simple Past Tense dalam bentuk KALIMAT TANYA (yes/no questions);

Did + Subject + Verb1 + Object + Modifier?

Pertanyaan dibuat dengan menempatkan DID sebelum subject. contohnya;
  • did you go to Kuta Beach yesterday?
  • did you play tennis with some guys from work last week?
  • did you stay in shanghai 2 years ago?
boleh saja anda tambahkan dengan menggunakan kata tanya, seperti; where, when. what, which, why, how, who,etc...
contoh kalimat dengan menggunakan kata tanya;
  • where did you go yesterday?
  • when did you play tennis with some guys from work?
  • why did you stay in Shanghai 2 years ago?
Penggunaan Verb-2 dalam simple past tense terbagi atas 2 jenis kata kerja,yaitu;

1.  Kata kerja Beraturan (Regular Verbs)

Pada kata kerja beraturan ini,verb-2 nya biasanya tinggal menambahkah -ed pada akhir kata kerjanya, seperti;
Verb 1               Verb 2
play                    Played
Open                  Opened
Stay                   Stayed,etc....

2.  Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan (Irregular Verbs)
Dibawah ini beberapa kata kerja yang tidak beraturan yang paling umum digunakan, seperti;

be                  - was/were
become          - became
begin              - began
break             - broke
bring               - brought
build               - built
buy                - bought
catch              - caught
choose           - chose
come             - came
do                  - did
draw              -drea
eat                - ate
feel                - felt
fight              - fought
find                - found
fly                  - flew
forget            - forgot
get                 - got
give               - gave
go                 - went
have             - had
hear             - heard
hit                 - hit
know            - knew
learn              - learnt/learned
leave             - left
lose                - lost
make              - made
meet               - met
pay                 - paid
read               - read
ride                - rode
run                  - run
say                  - said
sell                  - sold
send                - sent
shut                 - shut
sing                 - sang
sit                   - sat
sleep               - slept
smell               - smelt/smelled
speak               - spoke
stand               - stood
swim                - swam
take                  - took
teach                - taught
tell                    - told
think                 - thought
understand        - understood
wear                  - wore
win                   - won
write                 - wrote

Reading text of simple past tense

          Yesterday Mrs. Hubbard had a very rough day. In the morning, she went to the kitchen and looked in the cupboard for some food for her dog, but the cupboard was empty. Her poor dog stared up at her with its hungry eyes, and she knew she had to do something quickly. She hurried to the grocery store to buy some dog food, but unfortunately the store was out of her dog's favorite brand, so she had to catch a bus downtown. After buying the food, she waited for a half hour in the rain to get a taxi. When she finally got home, her dog was sound asleep on the living room sofa.

Change the verbs in the following sentence into past tense.
1. Yesterday, I go to the restaurant with a client.
2. We drive around the parking lot for 20 minutes in order to find a parking space.
3. When we arrive at the restaurant, the place is full.
4. The waitress asks us if we have reservations.
5. I say, "No, my secretary forgets to make them."
6. The waitress tells us to come back in two hours.
7. My client and I slowly walk back to the car.
8. Then we see a small grocery store.
9. We stop in the grocery store and buy some sandwiches.
10. That is better than waiting for two hours.

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