Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012


Expression (Asking and Giving Suggestion)

Jika kamu menemui sebuah masalah, bagaimana cara menyelesaikannya? Apakah teman-teman punya saran atau masukan? Ekspresi menanyakan dan memberi usulan akan diberikan di sini. Jadi, buat yang suka curhat sekarang bisa pakai ekspresi berikut juga :)

Asking Suggestion
Giving Suggestion
Do you have any suggestion for me?
You'd better....
Will you give me some suggestion, please?
You could (might)....
Shall I come back later
I suggest that you....
Any idea?
I recommend that you
Where do you think I can get something nice?
You really should....
Can you tell me what happened?
I strongly advise you to....
Please tell me what should I do?
My advice is to be careful in doing business with them.

Accepting Suggestion
Rejecting Suggestion
That's a good/nice/wonderful idea.
I don't think so.
Yeah, sure.
I tried that, but it didn't work.
Thank you. I'll try that.
Thanks, but that won't help because....
Why didn't I think of that?
I don't want to do that because....
I think you're right.
That's a good idea, but....
That's sounds good.
I'm afraid I can't do that.
Sure. I'll do that.
I think it can't solve my problem.

The Example of The Dialouge about Asking and Giving Suggestion

Nila dan Syifa sedang berada di rumah Syifa mereka membicarakan hadiah untuk ulang tahun Ibu Nila.

Nila        : Syifa, my mother will be 35 next week. I want to give her a present.
Syifa      : Well, that would be very nice. What do you want to give her?
Nila        : I’m not sure. Do you have any suggestion for me?
Syifa      : I suggest you to give her something useful.
Nila        : Where do you think i can get something nice?
Syifa      : You could go to ABC Shop. What about a new apron?
Nila        : Yes, that’s a good idea. I think I’ll go there tomorrow.
Syifa      : Good luck.

The Example Of The Expressions to Make Suggestions

·        You could (might) join the speech contest.
·        If I were you, I would take care this cat.
·        Why don't you go to the doctor?
·        Why don't you come to my house and borrow my umbrela?
·        What/How about going to the veterinarian?
·        I suggest that you should tell your mother about this.
·        I recommend you to ask your apology to him. 
There are some example of the expressions to make suggestion.

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