Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

Greeting (Introduction) Expression

Making and Responding to Introductions

  1. Third-party introductions
Sample phrases (from formal to informal)

A: It's my pleasure to introduce Dr. Smith.
B: How do you do?
C: How do you do?
A: I'd like to introduce Mr. Thomson.
B: I'm glad to meet you.
C: The pleasure is mine.
A: Let me introduce you to Tony Brown.
B: Pleased to meet you.
C: Nice meeting you, too.
A: I'd like you to meet Barbara.
B: Good to meet you.
C: I've heard so much about you.
A: This is Sam.
B: Nice to meet you.
C: Same here.

     2. Self-introductions

Sample phrases (from formal to informal)

A: May I introduce myself? I'm Timothy Johnson.
B: It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Mary Leslie.
A: Hello. My name is Gordon Brown.
B: How do you do? I'm Helen Bradley.
A: I don't think we've met. I'm Pat.
B: Good to meet you. I'm Lisa.
A: Hi. I'm Ted.
B: Hi. I'm Sandy.

Greeting People and Responding to Greetings

Practice these Dialogues with your partner!

Bill : Hi, Paul. How’s everything with you?
Paul : I am O.K, thank you and how about you?
Bill : I am very well, thank you. Why do you stay here?
Paul : I am waiting of my brother. He is buying a book in that book store.
Bill : I see. I will buy some books, too.
Paul : That’s my brother! I am sorry, I have to go. Good bye!
Bill : Bye!

Perhatikan kembali dialog diatas! Dalam dialog diatas ada beragam ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyapa seseorang yang kita temui, ungkapan ketika akan berpisah, dan bagaimana menjawab ungkapan- ungkapan tersebut.

Study the following expression!

1. Greetings expression and Responses

Greetings Responses

Hi / Hello /Hey Hi /Hello /Hey !
How’s it going? So-so
How’re you doing? Not bad
How are things with you? Fine, thanks
Good morning, Mom/ Good morning, Son
Good afternoon, Mr. Paul/ Good afternoon, Mrs. Thamrin
See you later/ see you again 
Nice to meet you/ pleased to meet you 
See you!
Good bye
Good night See you later/ see you again 
Nice to meet you/ pleased to meet you 
See you!
Good bye
Good night

Note: Greeting based on time:

·                   Good morning : diucapkan antara pukul 00.00 a.m hingga pukul 12.00 a.m
·                   Good afternoon : diucapkan antara pukul 12.00 a.m – 06.00 p.m
·                   Good evening : diucapkan antara pukul 06.00 p.m – menjelang tidur
·                   Good night : diucapkan sat berpisah pada malam hari atau akan pergi tidur.

2. Self- introductions

1. How to introducing yourself

Hi, my name is Dian
Hi, I am Kukuh. What’s your name?
Hello, everybody! My name is Nabila, Nabila Jasmine.
I’d like to introduce my self. I’m Anthin Kurniasari
May I introduce myself? My name is Ralp Winston.

2. Expression when meet new person*
Nice to meet you. My name is Avril Lavigne
Pleased to meet you. I’m Michell Lawrience
I’m glad to meet you
How do you do

3. Responses the expression*
Nice to meet you. Miss Lavigne.
Pleased to meet you
I’m glad to meet you
How do you do
It was very pleasant meeting you.

* ungkapan tersebut kurang lebih bermakna: Senang berkenalan denganmu atau Senang berjumpa denganmu.

Saying Goodbye

1. Preclosings and Responses
Sample phrases (from formal to informal)
a. Time-Related Expressions
Well, I'm afraid I have to be going./ Thank you for coming.
I've got to go/run. It's getting late/ All right. Take care of yourself.
I must be going now/ Ok, take care.
b. Pleasantries
It's been a wonderful evening/ Yes, I've enjoyed it.
I've enjoyed talking to you/ Me, too.
c. Wishes to Keep in Touch
Why don't we get together sometime? I'd like that.
Drop by and see me sometime/ Sure thing.
2. Closings and Responses
Sample phrases (from formal to informal)
Goodbye/ Goodbye.
Have a nice day/ You, too.
See you later/around/ So long

Listening Activities

Title   :  "NICE TO MEET YOU"

I. Listening Exercises

Listen to the conversation by pressing the "Play Audio" button, and answer the questions!

1. Where does this conversation most likely take place?
 a. at a park
 b. at a school
 c. at a birthday party
 d. at a music recital

2. What is the girl's name?
 a. Kathy
 b. Karen
 c. Nancy
 d. Nanny

3. Where does the girl probably live now?
 a. in Scotland
 b. in France
 c. in England
 d. in the United States

4. What does the girl's father do for a living?
 a. He is a travel agent.
 b. He is a professor.
 c. He is computer programmer.
 d. He is a French teacher.

5. What is one thing NOT mentioned about the girl's family?
 a. why her parents lived in England for several years
 b. where her mother works at the present time
 c. where the girl grew up
 d. how old the girl was when she moved to her present location

II. Listening Exercises

Instructions: Click the "Play" button and listen to the recording. Then write the words you hear in the correct blank. Use the "tab" button to move from one blank to the next.

Teacher: Oh, hi. What was your name again. I can't keep straight all the students' names this being the (1) day of school.
Student: It's okay. I have a (2) time remembering names myself.
Teacher: How, uh, Karen, right?
Student: No, it's Nancy. My mom's name is Karen.
Teacher: Nancy. Okay. I think I (3) you were from England.
Student: Well, I was (4) there, but my parents are American. I grew up in France.
Teacher: Oh, a world traveller!
Student: But then we (5) here when I was nine.
Teacher: So, what does your father do now?
Student: Well, he's a (6) professor, and he is in Scotland at the moment.
Teacher: How (7)! What does he teach?
StudentOh, I haven't a clue. Nah, just joking. He teaches chemistry.
Teacher: Oh, chemistry, and uh, what about your mother?
Student: She works full time at home.
Teacher: Oh, and what, does she have her own (8) or something?
Student: Nah, she takes care of me.
Teacher: Well, being a homemaker can be a real hard, but (9) job.
Student: I (10) so too.

Key Vocabulary

*Keep straight (verb): remember clearly
- You need to keep the facts straight if you want to pass the test.

*Nah: No (informal)
 -Do you want to come to the party?
 -Nah. I have other plans that evening.

*Homemaker (noun): housewife
- His wife is a homemaker

III. Matching Exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left by dragging them over!.

What's your _________?
My mother __________ full time as a teacher at an elementary school.
I was born in New York, but I __________ in San Francisco.
My job is very hard, but __________.
I can't keep ___________ everyone's name.

          -grew up       -rewarding        -works         -name         -straight

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